Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our day yesterday

Lookey here who started Kindergarten yesterday! Real, true, this-is-the-year-that-we-really-mean-it, kindergarten.

It's going to be a good year.
I can tell already.

I know it, because when they did the intake testing they asked Gibson all kinds of questions. Questions like "Do you know when your birthday is?", and "Do you know what your name is?", and "Do you know how to spell it?" To which Gibson replied "JULY 6TH!!!", "GIBSON!!", and "G-I-B-S-O-N!!!!!" I think they also checked to see how many letters and numbers he knew, and frankly, he has a much better grasp on all of that than he did last year. His self-confidence just got a major boost, and I can't even begin to tell you how proud he is of himself. He positively glowed as he recounted his testing questions and showed us his "homework" at the dinnertable.

Oh yes. It's going to be a good year.


Anonymous said...

FABULOUS!!! Way to go, Gibson!!
xxxxxxooooo Grammy

Janice said...

Oh can I come to the spring concert? :)