Monday, June 23, 2008

Been workin' so hard. I'm punchin' my card......

Well, Hello there! Long time no see, eh? What have you been up to? Me..... well...... I've been covered in an itchy, bumpy red rash that has so completely covered my entire being that I may actually go and see a doctor today, but that's a story for another post.

Besides scratching obsessively, you know what else I've been up to? I've been working out again. Ever since I stopped that atrocious coughing, and can actually take a deep breath without hacking up a lung for 3 minutes as a direct result, I've gotten myself back in the gym. It's been great because after those 6 weeks of non-stop coughing, I forgot how good you feel after a solid workout. In fact, I was feeling so good that I thought I'd take a class that has generated some serious buzz at our facility. It's called cardio-funk, which -- as you can probably imagine -- involves a lot of gettin' down. So it has all this buzz because it's a serious workout, but also because it's a freakin' blast. Not to mention the fact that it's taught by a very attractive guy who can dance like a pro and - in my perception - is totally straight. (Ladies............? Care to come try the class and maybe take a peek?)

So I tried the class for the first time, and let me tell you, we definitely did some serious gettin' down. Some hardcore cardio funkin'. We got down to some old school Michael Jackson, we funked out to some great hip hop. We channeled our inner Tina Turner to Proud Mary, and shook it like a Polaroid picture. We let the dogs out, and we did the entire routine to Footloose. And it was during the routine to Footloose that my friend Erin -- who was thoroughly entertained by the fact that we were partaking in this class -- got Gibson out of the childwatch and held him up so he could have a peek at what was going on. "Do you see your mom in there?" she'd asked him. And you can bet your sweet bippy that he did. He watched like a hawk and soaked up as much of the song as he could so that later he could tell me all about it.
  • "Mom! I saw you dancing today!"

  • "You did?"

  • "Yeah! Erin held me up and I got to look. I saw you."

  • "Did you like it? Was it fun to watch?"

  • "Yeah! And I liked the song you were dancing to."

  • "Which one?"

  • "Loose! You're loose! Everybody thinks you're loose!"

  • "Ummmmmmmmmmmm.......(this is where I bite the inside of my cheek and stifle the intense need to roll around on the floor holding my sides and laughing hysterically).......actually, I think the words are: Loose, FOOT loose, Everybody cut foot loose."

  • "No..... I heard it. It goes: Loose! You're Loose! Everybody thinks you're loose!"

So now he's learned a new song that he loves to sing -- frequently. And even though I make attempts to correct his lyrics, I mostly just let him sing it the way he wants. Because explaining to a 5 year old that perhaps it's not appropriate to sing about how loose someone is just opens a whole new can of worms, doesn't it?


Janice said...

when i was a kid i sang "i'm a cheerio girl" (i'm a material girl). kids are too funny! i also liked to sing "like a virgin" and "hot child in the city"- my mom loved that. i will have to tell her about this one...

Anonymous said...

If I had to dream out a workout class for you - that would be it. I bet you rock!!!!

vonbad said...

Oh how fun. I might drive 25 miles for that one. I used to do "funk aerobics" which was hip hop dancing (yes, I used to do hip hop dancing). We spent a month learning a whole routine. The women that taught it had flaming red hair and a dragon tatoo running up her entire leg.