Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Parenting Lesson #367: How to be a hypocrite

Gibson: Mom? Why are words like Dammit and Hell bad to say?

Me: Well..... They're rude words. And they're just not very nice.

Gibson: But what makes them bad?

Me: (Thinking for a minute.... working the brain overtime so I can wow him with my mommy-wisdom.) I guess I don't really know exactly. (Mommy-wisdom failing me...) They're just words that people think are rude. And they aren't very nice to say. So if you use them people will think that you're not a nice boy. That's why we don't say them.

Gibson: (Looking confused.) But didn't you just say Shit?

Me: Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh....... Yes. Yes I did.


Janice said...

Not exactly the same but I always used to joke that I couldn't be a mom until I stopped eating Doritos and an apple for dinner (which I did all too often in my 20s) cause I would never feed my child that and I didn't want to explain why they had broccoli and I had chips :)

Lynn said...

The other day Eli overheard me talking to Shad, explaining what I would have liked to say to someone who made a rude comment to me ("Shut up, you jerk") and he kept repeating it over and over and laughing. No matter how many times I would say, "Eli, Mama shouldn't have been talking like that. And you shouldn't either. It's rude. We don't say those words." Shad of course had to point the finger at me and say, "Hey, you said it first, Mama." ARRRGH! It sucks being so imperfect and human, doesn't it? I guess that's a good lesson. Maybe we're just teaching them that it's OK to make mistakes???

Anonymous said...

Hank muttered under his breath at our house this summer, after Jan went on and on about something,"Jesus Christ, Grandad!"